List of labyrinth fish (anabantids) commonly found in the aquarium

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Betta Rutilans is a small red anabantid from Borneo Betta Rutilans is a small red anabantid from Borneo

Anabantids, or Labyrinth fish inhabit densely vegetated and often oxygen depleted waters, made possible by a special breathing organ known as the labyrinth organ. The fish gulp airfrom the surface and absorb it through their labyrinth organ.

DISTRIBUTION: Anabantids come from Asia (particularly India and South East Asia), and Africa.

Many Anabantids also have 'feelers' adapted ventral fins, that allow them to feel their way in dark, plant-choked marsh. Breeding is often achieved via the construction of bubble nests, but there are also egg scattering and mouth brooding species.

RECOMMENDED STARTER SPECIES: Dwarf gourami, Siamese fighting fish

Labyrinth Fish

Betta brownorum
Browns anabantid
Betta brownorum
Betta splendens
Siamese fighting fish
Betta splendens
Colisa chuna
Honey gourami
Colisa chuna
Colisa lalia
Dwarf Gourami
Colisa lalia
Trichogaster leeri
Pearl gourami
Trichogaster leeri
Trichogaster microlepis
Moonlight gourami
Trichogaster microlepis
Trichopsis vittata
Croaking gourami
Trichopsis vittata